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Houseplant Identification App

Theoretical Project


UX Designer

  • Wireframing

  • User Interviews

  • User Testing

  • Low Fidelity and High Fidelity Prototypes

Tools Used
  • Figma


The Problem: Users are looking for an all-in-one system that helps identify their plants, identify common issues with their plants and what solutions are recommended by experts, as well as track and catalog large collections.

The Goal: Create an app that includes a plant identifier, general information about the plants identified, care instructions, common issues and solutions, and a catalog of owned plants.

Research & Findings

In this project, I researched the needs of users who are looking to become better acquainted with their house plants, with a specific goal of helping them identify their plants. 

In my research I discovered a few users desire for in-depth information on the plants after identification, such as proper care instructions, origin information, and other useful tips or tricks to the plant’s care. 

Users also communicated a desire for a having a catalog or database of plants owned, as well as some sort of reminder or calendar for proper watering and fertilization schedules.

In early wireframes I explored layouts to include all of this data and continued to refine as I went through low and high fidelity prototypes.


In later testing, I discovered users liked the quick access to search functions, felt there was too much info in the warnings and care iconography, and they liked the detailed information on each of the plants.  This was further ideated on to create the final solution in the finished designs.  Simplifying the infromation presented to the user and keeping it clear and concise throughout the design of the app. 

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